PUBLIC NOTICE 23226 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT CAMDEN COUNTY, MISSOURI Case No.: 24CM-CC00119 SWEENEY PROPERTIES/2049 WYANDOTTE, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. KENNETH A COOPER, and spouses, if any, of if they be deceased, then their unknown consorts, former consorts, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate mesne and remote, voluntary and involuntary grantees, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in trust of such deceased AND MELBA ANN COOPER, and spouses, if any, of if they be deceased, then their unknown consorts, former consorts, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate mesne and remote, voluntary and involuntary grantees, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in trust of such deceased AND KENNETH OLEAN RINNE, and spouses, if any, of if they be deceased, then their unknown consorts, former consorts, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate mesne and remote, voluntary and involuntary grantees, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in trust of such deceased AND ELMER W. SUPPENBACH, and spouses, if any, of if they be deceased, then their unknown consorts, former consorts, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate mesne and remote, voluntary and involuntary grantees, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in trust of such deceased AND JANE E. SUPPENBACH, and spouses, if any, of if they be deceased, then their unknown consorts, former consorts, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate mesne and remote, voluntary and involuntary grantees, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in trust of such deceased. ORDER OF PUBLICATION The State of Missouri to the above-named or described Defendants, greetings: You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court of the County of Camden, in the State of Missouri, affecting the title to the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: All of Lot 139 of “A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 131, 132, 138 AND 139 OF GRAND POINT, A SUBDIVISION” a subdivision of record in Camden County, Missouri, according to the plat thereof filed of record at Plat Book 66, Page 1, Records of Camden County, Missouri. AND All of Lot No. Fifty-seven (57) in “GRAND POINT SUBDIVISION”, all as shown on the plat(s) of said subdivision, filed for record in Plat Book No. 45, at Page(s)N 32A through 32P, in the Recorder’s Office of Camden County, Missouri; subject, however, to the provisions shown on said plat(s), and to all easements, restrictions, conditions and reservations of record, including, but not being limited to, those contained in an indenture dated January 14, 1986, and recorded in Book 283, at Page 436, in the Recorder’s Office of Camden County, Missouri (or as now or hereafter amended); and subject further to all existing roadways, electric and telephone lines, whether or record or not of record. AND All of Lot No. Seven Hundred Thirty-eight (738), in “CORNETT COVE NO. 4”, all as shown on the plats of said subdivision, filed for record in Plat Book 14, at Pages 93 through 95, in the Recorder’s Office of Camden County, Missouri; subject, however, to the provisions shown on said plats, and to all easements, restrictions, conditions and reservations of record, including, but not limited to, those contained in an indenture dated March 10, 1971, and recorded in Book 162, at Page 780, in the Recorder’s Office of Camden County, Missouri (or as now or hereafter amended); and subject further to all existing roadways, electric and telephone lines, whether or record or not of record. The names of all parties to said suit are stated above in the caption thereof and the name and address of the attorney for Plaintiff is Parks & Drake LLC, P.O. Box 2514, 2086 Horseshoe Bend Parkway, Ste. 200, Lake Ozark, Missouri, 65049. You are further notified that unless you file an answer or other pleadings or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid Petition within forty-five days after the 17th day of April, 2024 a Judgment by default will be rendered against you. It is ordered that a true copy hereof be published according to law in the Lake Sun, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Camden, State of Missouri. The copy shall be published at least once a week for four consecutive weeks. Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court this 5th day of April, 2024. /s/ Kayla Henry, Circuit Clerk /s/ Tricia McCollum, Deputy Clerk First insertion: 4-17-24, 145-031 Last insertion: 5-01-24, 145-037

Posted 5/8/2024